Friday 30 May 2014

The End of a Season

About two hours ago I got a call asking if I wanna go to Guyana to help with follow-up for the new believers who gave their hearts to the Lord this weekend... I'll be leaving in about 7 hours! Be praying for me please this next week that God works through me and the team and that we are effective in discipleship!

My time at the kindergarten has come to an end. I can safely say it was the hardest, and the best experience I've ever had in my life. I loved those children more than I knew I could ever love anyone, and I did my earthly best to show them God's Love, which is infinitely deeper than my own. I succeeded at times, and failed at times, but either way, He was there to push me foreword. It's surreal to have gotten into such a routine and a schedule… And then suddenly, it's over! The year is finished and I'm heading home in two weeks! This have been such a life changing year, and my roots in Trinidad have become much deeper than I realized. I'm going to be facing all of those tearful and heartbreaking good-byes, which have made me realize how many people really do care about me and how many I've impacted. It's touching and moving, yet gives me such a feeling of loss when I think about leaving. 

Still, despite all of these roots now being uprooted, I feel at peace. I feel that God has taught me everything I was supposed to learn for these last two years here in Trinidad. He's used me in ways I didn't know I could be used, stretched me, matured me, strengthened me, enlightened me, challenged me, and changed me. I'm a different person than I was when I first stepped off United Airlines in 2012. I have a deeper trust in God's care, and His concern for the good of me than I ever have before. But most importantly, I love Him so much. I love His plans for me so much. I love His calling so much. I love His peace so much. I love His anointing, His presence, His power, His faithfulness, and His hand. I love everything about the God I know, and I have a strong pull to continue growing in Love for Him, and Love for the souls He created. 

Now let me thank everyone who supported me this last year. More than just "I couldn't have done it without you." I needed you and your prayers, God used your financial and emotional support to carry me through the hard days and weeks. I love you all so deeply, and the thought of seeing all of the people who were there for me via Facebook, phone call, letters and prayers, makes the thought of coming home so much easier. I'm blessed beyond words-- I'm thankful for each of you. 

That being said, this is not the end of me as a missionary. I have many plans to continue growing in missions and putting everything I've learned here to good use on the field. My next missions trip: Cambodia! And who knows what will come after that! I love the whole lifestyle of missions, I love being able to trust in God's provision, and God alone for security. My confidence is in Him, and I'm so looking foreword to see where HE takes me next!

Love you, thank you, may God always bless you! 


I'm sorry for the lack of hundreds of pictures this whole year. My camera broke about three months in. So here are some low-quality photos taken on my not-so-fancy camera phone. Just to give you an idea of how my life here has gone. 

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