Monday 5 May 2014

New Things Ahead


Now that everything has been confirmed, I can officially say, I'll be taking another missions trip this October. This time I'll be heading to Cambodia for two weeks! EEEEEEEEEPPPPPP! 

I'm really excited. 

Alongside the Director of Open Bible Missions Vince McCarty, and a very close friend of mine, we'll be working in a school in Cambodia that was started by an Asian OB church in Des Moines, IA. The school was started as a ministry and service to the Tamada Village of Cambodia and I can't wait to see this country and everything the Lord is doing there.

In the Kindergarten..

Children will get the best of you if you let 'em. 

Praise the Lord for His strength and Love. I know I can accomplish whatever He has called me to. I'm so thankful for the things He is working out in me. He is good and faithful and He stays close even when we don't. I just love my Jesus. 

With Mother's Day coming up it's time to start focusing on flower pot crafts and the letter "M" with the kindergarteners. They're all bundles of energy. We only have ten students and somehow I'm exhausted by the end of the day. Nonetheless, I'm so thankful for the opportunities HE brings into my life. 

I got to speak to about 200 high school students on Friday about the Lord and His plans for them

It was beautiful, they seemed to be very engaged and open to what Pastor Mike and Pam and I were saying. Afterwards about 60 came forward for the alter call. 

Now, with only a month and half left of the year I've spent here in Trinidad,

Let me just say THANK YOU

God has used those of you who have been so faithful in financial support, encouragement, and prayers over these last nine months. I'm just so blessed by my support system; my friends and family back home. Although it breaks my heart to say good bye to Trinidad, I am so looking forward to seeing you all again. 

That being said, PLEASE continue praying that I finish Strong! I still need that constant encouragement from you all especially since I just have a month and a half left here. I don't want to miss out on a thing, please be praying the Lord does everything He needs to do in this last season here. 

If you'd like to support me financially
You can message me on Facebook for my home address where a check would be deposited into my account, or you can Email me at

Thank you again! 


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