Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Strength of Being Weak

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, and my power is made perfect in weakness."

As I was praying today, I started just confessing all of my bad attitudes, iniquities and short-comings to the Lord, and eventually the list got so long I was overwhelmed. I know I'm prideful, I know I'm selfish, I know I'm not everything I was created to be. That's just the bottom line  and the ugly truth. If people heard everything that runs through my mind every day, every rude complaint about whoever is getting on my touchy nerves in that moment, and every time I feel like getting up and leaving what God has called me to do, they definitely wouldn't still love me the way that Jesus does. Which I think is why Jesus' love is so unique and beautiful. 
I can't hide anything from God, He knows every single thought, every single ugliness in my heart, every attitude. God knows it all and sees it all for what it is. But the amazing thing is He still calls me His bride. 

Paul said he had some "thorn in the flesh" that he couldn't get removed. He had some kind of weakness that was actually NECESSARY for his relationship with God. It's just amazing to me that God doesn't pressure us to be perfect, He allows us to be weak. Not to go on sinning, but to let His strength and not ours overcome it. 

I'm just so thankful for a God who lets me, and actually encourages me to be weak so that His power can be made stronger. I know that as I continue to give Him my weakness, I will move toward becoming the woman I was made to be.

Also, did you get your tickets to the gun show?    

The Kindergarten: 

Last week I started to understand a lot of what my students go through when they're outside the school, and it broke my heart.

They're such beautiful children and it's an honor for me to help with their education, I love being with them, I love holding them when they cry, I love giving them big hugs in the morning. But please don't be misled in thinking I could emotionally handle this job on my own. I need so much prayer and support from you all and I can't imagine doing something like this without knowing that God is sovereign and has a plan to use every injustice and wrongdoing for good. I know that God loves them so much deeper than I or their parents ever could. And I find so much peace in that. 

If you would like to support my ministry

Please message me for details like my address where you can send a check.

Click the link below to give to my plane ticket home:

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