Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Faithfulness of God

2013 has been one of the best, yet one of the hardest years. 

If that makes any sense at all. It's amazing to me that I could have experienced the highest highs of my life, and the lowest lows, all so close together.

This year I've been happier, I've learned more, experienced more things, sorted through more issues, and felt more loved than I ever have before. But somehow, at different points in the year, I've had the worst anxiety, the most gripping fear, the deepest sorrow, and the most terrifying loneliness that I've ever experienced. But through the best and the worst parts of it, God has been faithful. Undeniable, unmatched, unchanging faithfulness, is all that I know when I think about God being my best friend in the entire world. From country to country; good point to bad point; hight to low, God has been there. He's been there when no one else could be. When the people I normally turned to couldn't help, when they were too far away to hold my hand through anxiety attacks and confusion, when they just didn't understand what I was going through, God was there, and He understood.
I always used to tell people "God is faithful." I used to say that like a catchphrase, but it was just Christianese. I didn't know His faithfulness before this year. I didn't understand personally the goodness of the Lord, or His loyalty. But now I've seen it for myself and I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for the difficult seasons that showed me this.

I hope you'll all continue praying for me! 

Christmas break has been well spent with my dearest friends and "family" in Trinidad. I've been blessed with so many great "Aunties and Uncles" here, and though I'll miss my own family and hometown over the Christmas season, I know this family is one of the greatest blessings from God.
Pray that God keeps me close to him and that homesickness will not be an issue.

Pray against spiritual attack and discouragement.

Please be praying for financial provision as well! A few weeks ago I dedicated my finances to the Lord, and I've been amazed at how every need has been provided for since then. Come June, however, I'll need to purchase a plane ticket home. It costs about $700 and to this point I haven't had the extra finances to start saving for it. I also still owe about $400 on my tuition from the School of Global Leadership, which I completed last year and need to pay off.

If you would like to help me purchase a ticket home or pay for some of my tuition, please message me or leave a comment and I'll let you know how you can help!

I love you all very much, and I'm blown away by the support I've received from my friends and family in the States.

God bless,

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